Model United Nations
Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations that is operating all around the world since 1945, aftermath of the WW2. Model UN has been one of the most active, popular, and productive ways for students to develop themselves in multiple areas around the globe and also in Turkey. Our organization is proudly the most active and efficient one in this area in means of conference number, quality, and variety of different cities with conferences organized.

Advanced Model United Nations
Advanced Model United Nations (Advanced MUN) is an Adana-based conference. As the name of the conference states, it has been founded to advance the expectations of MUN society in Adana and Turkey in general, which is supported by local municipalities and institutions. It is the MUN conference with the highest academic expectations in Adana with the participants and academics from various provinces.
GESI Model United Nations
GESI Model United Nations (GESIMUN) is a MUN conference organized for the first time in 2019, following the Harvard MUN procedure, hosted by Nişantaşı University in Istanbul, sponsored by Açı Ümraniye Schools and NESCAFE.

Mersin Model United Nations
Mersin Model United Nations (MERSİN MUN) is the only conference organized independently by students in Mersin province, while at the same time, it is a MUN conference, which was organized for the first time in 2020, to be an exemplary conference in Mersin with the quality and uniqueness of the DvG organization.
Universal Model United Nations
Universal Model United Nations (MUNIVERSAL), was a conference that allowed the youth to use their time in COVID-19 more productively in quarantine in a global perspective with over 300 participants from all parts of the world. The conference was the largest online MUN conference in Turkey and according to some estimates the largest one at the time, with a great contribution from 30 different countries, making it a very unique conference for young people all around the world to come together and work on international issues. The conference was hosted on Zoom Pro platform.

Tekirdag Model United Nations
Tekirdağ Model United Nations (Tekirdağ MUN) is the first youth and the first MUN conference organized by students in Tekirdağ organized in 2019 under the sponsorship of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University. In order to make the conference possible, a training conference was held before the actual conference hosted by the Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University and in the same way, before the conference was held for the second time, a training conference was held in November 2019, thus it is an exemplary conference with 4 stages in total and has become a landmark for the city of Tekirdağ and its youth.

MUNOVATION is a conference following the THIMUN procedure, which was held for the first time in 2019 at the Istanbul Şişli Nazım Hikmet Cultural Center with the sponsorship of the Red Crescent and Şişli Municipality.